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Search UMBC Training Centers

Leadership and Innovation

Creating, Overcommunicating, and Reinforcing Clarity

Group Training + View more dates & times


Leaders must give employees the clarity they need by agreeing on the answers to six simple but critical questions, and thereby eliminating even small discrepancies in their thinking. If leaders can rally around clear answers to these fundamental questions–without using jargon–they will drastically increase the likelihood of creating a healthy organization and achieving the competitive advantage of organizational health. Leaders must answer: Why do we exist? How do we behave? What do we do? How will we succeed? What is most important, right now? And Who must do what? Leaders clearly communicate the six aspects of clarity to all employees and regularly remind the people in their departments about those aspects of clarity. They leave meetings with clear and specific agreements about what to communicate to their employees, and they cascade those messages quickly after meetings. Employees can accurately articulate the organization’s reason for existence, values, strategic anchors, and goals. For an organization to remain healthy over time, its leaders must establish a few critical, non-bureaucratic systems to reinforce clarity in every process—hiring, managing performance, rewards and recognition, employee dismissal—that involves people.

Why You Should Take This Course

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Leave meetings with clear and specific agreements about what to communicate to others
  • Cascade clear and specific communications to others quickly after meetings
  • Establish a few critical, non-bureaucratic systems to reinforce clarity in every process—hiring, managing performance, rewards and recognition, employee dismissal—that involves people
Is there a discount available for current students?

UMBC students and alumni, as well as students who have previously taken a public training course with UMBC Training Centers are eligible for a 10% discount, capped at $250. Please provide a copy of your UMBC student ID or an unofficial transcript or the name of the UMBC Training Centers course you have completed. Asynchronous courses are excluded from this offer.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

Student will receive a refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 10 business days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams.

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