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Voice Over IP (VOIP) Foundations

In this course, students will learn the fundamental concepts of modern voice communications transmitted over the Internet Protocol (IP). Students will review concepts and terminology related to traditional networking, as well as, and the role they play in VoIP communications. Learners will be exposed to a variety of theories and concepts in addition to how […]

Computer and Network Administration

Understanding Network Fundamentals

This three day course is an introduction to the core concepts of computer networking. This three-day course is a combination of lectures and hands-on lab exercises to establish a practical and foundational knowledge of network operations. In this training course, you will configure a workstation to connect to a network, use a network sniffer to […]

Computer and Network Administration

TCP/IP Networking

Students will learn the essential knowledge and skills required to configure, support and troubleshoot TCP/IP based networks. TCP/IP is the protocol suite that has become the de facto internetworking protocol used by multiple vendors worldwide. Lectures and hands-on labs are utilized in this course to strengthen and measure a student’s competency of the course objectives.

Computer and Network Administration

IPv6 Security and Practices

The IPv6 Security and Practices class will provide a foundational knowledge of the underlying security risks, threats and best practices for an IPv6 enabled network. This course will review the security fundamentals required to plan for, design, integrate and even audit IPv6 integration in their current infrastructure. The student will be exposed to various security […]

Computer and Network Administration

IPv6 Foundations

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent iteration of the Internet Protocol (IP) which provides the fundamentals for identification and location of computers on networks as well as the routing of traffic across the internet. The foundations course will cover the significance, governance, and timeline of adoption as it pertains to this protocol. […]

Computer and Network Administration

Intermediate IPv6 Migration

The advanced IPv6 class designed for students that already possess introduction skills and have a good foundation knowledge of IPv6. This course covers all you need to know about IPv6 migration and deployment strategies. You will gain an understanding of how deploy IPv6 using both stateless and stateful auto-configuration techniques. Configure Advanced OSPF, EIGRPv6, IS-IS […]

Computer and Network Administration

Global Communications II

This course builds off the knowledge gained by the student in the pre-requisite course: Global Communications I. The course begins with a review of the packet network communications concepts, technologies, standards and applications learned in Global Communications I. It then proceeds to dive deeper into these technologies to achieve a better understanding of important communication […]

Computer and Network Administration

Global Communications I

In this course, students will explore the fundamental concepts and technologies relating to Circuit-Switched (CS) telephone networks, Packet-Switched (PS) data networks, optical networks, and wireless communication with mobile cellular and satellites. The course will cover the evolution from traditional circuit-switched telecom networks through packet-switched digital computer networks. This course covers of standards, protocols, and methods […]

Computer and Network Administration

Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT)

By attending Basic Fiber Optic Installation, a hands-on installation training program, you learn how to install fiber optic cables, connectors, splices and achieve the three goals of installation. These three goals: minimum power loss, maximum reliability, and minimum cost, require knowledge of the specific procedures and compliance with the unique rules of fiber optic communication […]

Computer and Network Administration

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