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Modern Web Apps are programs that are experienced in a browser. We need to use a mix of HTML5, Ajax and advanced JavaScript techniques and libraries to get us there. Node, Angular, React, React Native, Vue, and similar frameworks demand a deep understanding of JavaScript for developers to be successful in them. This 5-day course […]


Java Programming

This course provides a solid understanding of the core OO and Java concepts and practices needed to create well designed Java programs. It also covers all the key OO capabilities and how to use them in Java, including material on creating well designed Java classes, using encapsulation, building more complex functionality with composition, and using […]


x86-64 Assembly Programming

This course is an introduction to assembly programming for the x86-64 architecture. Emphasis is placed on best, current practices and methods, including SIMD instructions. Students will write extensive code as part of the course to exercise their skills. Some work will be put toward basic reverse engineering. Cumulative graded assessments available for group training. Duration […]


Git Version Control

This course trains participants in essential, modern-day version control practices. It focuses on Git, the most popular (90% market share) and powerful Version Control System (VCS). Rather than focus on specific copy-and-paste recipes, participants will gain deep understanding of Git. Particpants learn techniques that are applicable to GitHub, GitLab, or any other centralizing service. The […]


Introduction to C Programming

This class provides students with a foundational study of the C programming language, C23 standard. Classroom lectures stress the strengths of C, which provide programmers with the means of writing efficient, maintainable, and portable code. Lab exercises throughout the class test and reinforce understanding of the concepts. This class is best taken as the first […]


React JavaScript Programming

This React training course will provide an introduction to the benefits of the React JavaScript framework, so course participants can start to develop applications quickly using the framework. Objectives include: Understand the programming model provided by the React framework Define React components Use the React framework to handle events and stateful data


Intermediate C Programming

This course continues the study of the C programming language using the C23 standard. The core language features covered in this course include functions, arrays, strings, pointers, dynamic memory allocation, library functions, structures, and file I/O. Programming techniques covered by this course include modularity, top-down design, documentation, debugging, and testing. Lab exercises throughout the course […]


Discrete Math

This course introduces the fundamental tools, topics and concepts of discrete mathematics. This course emphasizes counting methods, proof techniques and problem solving strategies.


Reverse Engineering

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of reverse engineering. Emphasis is placed on methodologies and tools. This course will not go in-depth on any specific tool, but will serve as a more general introduction to the skills required for reversing. Students will use various tools to accomplish multiple reversing labs.


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