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Leading Virtual Teams

Today’s organizational landscape has shifted and the global economy has prompted businesses to change how they work. Business leaders must now embrace tele-work and virtual teaming as an essential way for doing business. As such, we must reframe our thinking about technology as not just a tool for communication, but also as a tool to […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leading Others

Leading Others is a course for new leaders. This course provides participants with the knowledge and behavioral competencies to embrace their role as a new leader with confidence and effectiveness. Learners gain expert knowledge of the components of high performing teams, and how to nurture them. The course uses John C. Maxwell’s Five Levels of […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leading Organizations and Programs

Leading Organizations and Programs is a course for managers and directors which provides the knowledge and tools necessary to develop processes that support an organization’s or program’s strategic initiatives. Topics of consideration include the ability to develop appropriate responses to needed organizational change and lead change efforts via a process of envisioning, enabling, and energizing […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leading from the Front, Middle, and Behind

Leading from the Front, Middle, and Behind is a course for first-line and emerging leaders which focuses on the individual’s movement from independence (being solely an individual contributor) toward enlightened thinking on interdependence (being a team member or team leader). Participants gain experience with Steven Covey’s Maturity Continuum and gain deeper self-awareness through exposure to […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leading and Managing High-Performing Project Teams

Effective project team leadership is critical to the overall success of a project or initiative. For successfully leading project teams, team leaders cannot afford simply learning on the job as they go; this is not a sink or swim situation. The learning curve is excessively steep for simply learning on an individual’s own, and the […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leadership Lessons

In an environment of quick-fix solutions to complex issues and most quandaries in leadership being met only with vague, general advice, there is a real need for training tailored to individuals and organizations. This is a customizable and conversational course, providing participants with access to an experienced and actively practicing business leader as the instructor. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leadership and Communication

Today’s strong leaders act and react positively in virtually any situation and can always balance their concerns for productivity against their concerns for people. For an individual in a leadership role, if they can learn and master the skills of management, then the benefits accrue in the form of productive employees, strong teams, and quality […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leaders Growing Leaders

Leaders Growing Leaders is a course designed to advance the leadership development capabilities of mid-level or advanced level leaders. It addresses how personal change and development are critical components as a leader develops future leaders. The course introduces two key capabilities, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Crucial Conversations, and places the participants in the challenging role […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leader is Coach

We believe that all leaders “show-up” more effectively, have greater influence with those around them, and have a more significant cascading leadership impact if they harness, promote, and diffuse a coaching mindset always. Leader AS Coach could suggest being a coach is simply one of the “hats” a leader wears; whereas, we typically use the […]

Leadership and Innovation

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