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Embracing Accountability

When teams do not commit to a clear plan of action, even the most focused and driven individuals hesitate to call their peers on actions and behaviors that may seem counterproductive to the overall good of the team. The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable. A cohesive team’s […]

Leadership and Innovation

Developing the Skillful Supervisor

Skillful supervision is fundamental for creating and sustaining a healthy and vibrant organizational culture. Organizations cannot afford to haphazardly toss new supervisors into their roles and expect them to learn on the fly; it is simply not a sink or swim situation. The learning curve is incredibly steep with no introduction to a supervising position […]

Leadership and Innovation

Developing High Potential Teams

In the current business culture, nearly all individuals work in team settings. Given this fact, leaders must not only have excellent people skills, but must be able to gauge others’ social ability and group direct reports accordingly. The aptitude of creating effective teams is invaluable for leaders at every level of management, having a direct […]

Leadership and Innovation

Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset

This course introduces the fundamentals of developing and unlocking the entrepreneurial mindset as an entrepreneur, intrapreneur, or socialpreneur. The course takes a spirited approach to the creation of a framework for identifying methods that establish and leverage an entrepreneurial mindset. The design of this course is for individuals seeking greater understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Delegating and Coaching

Part of a leader’s role is delegating, coaching, motivating, and empowering others towards success. Delegating and coaching is no longer limited to an individual’s direct reports. Within a learning organization, the barriers restricting who learns from and coaches whom become obsolete. Delegating and coaching does not occur hierarchically, but rather depends on who takes initiative […]

Leadership and Innovation

Cultivating Collaboration

Work environments with plenty of collaboration are conducive to the generation of novel ideas, beneficial for innovation and organizational improvement. Because not all individuals feel comfortable readily sharing opinions and ideas, leaders must cultivate an environment where sharing is safe and encouraged as part of the individual’s daily performance. Fostering a culture of consistent collaboration […]

Leadership and Innovation

Creating, Overcommunicating, and Reinforcing Clarity

Leaders must give employees the clarity they need by agreeing on the answers to six simple but critical questions, and thereby eliminating even small discrepancies in their thinking. If leaders can rally around clear answers to these fundamental questions–without using jargon–they will drastically increase the likelihood of creating a healthy organization and achieving the competitive […]

Leadership and Innovation

Coaching and Feedback

The Coaching and Feedback course exposes participants on the DiSC Behavioral Model for two reasons—exploring what they bring to coaching relationship that is helpful and promotes successful outcomes as well as the tendencies, motivation, and fears of the four style preferences. The Coaching and Feedback course also provides specific characteristics of an effective coach. It […]

Leadership and Innovation

Change Management

Change is inevitable. In fact, in today’s ever-changing business environment, it has become one of the few constants. Unfortunately, many organizations are resistant to change, preferring to perpetuate the status quo. Research findings indicate that anywhere from fifty to eighty percent of change initiatives fail to meet their stated objectives because most organizations fail to […]

Leadership and Innovation

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